No one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure.

– Emma Goldman

Application for Financial Assistance from The Oxford Kids Foundation

The Oxford Kids Foundation will consider requests for help with alternative therapies or medical treatments not covered by insurance. Most financial help will only be for a portion of the treatment; therefore, it is advised that you continue fund-raising efforts along with this grant application. The grant money will only go directly to the therapy/medical center, not to an individual. If the allotted grant money is not used up for the therapy it will be returned to the Foundation. Additionally, all therapies must take place in the state of Michigan.

How To Apply

Please complete the application form below, and attach a letter of support from your child’s therapy or medical providers and a letter about your child and why he/she needs this grant.

If you would like to submit the application online, please submit the completed form and all supplementary information to Please keep a copy of the application form and supporting documents for your reference. It is important to provide as much information as possible about your request so that your application can be processed without delay. Your application will be treated in confidence and will usually be considered within four weeks. Please note that we do not fund items retroactively.

Alternative Funding

Where appropriate, we require that alternative funding be explored prior to applying for this grant. For example you may find that you are entitled to a grant from your local Rotary Club, or other charitable organization. Some other foundations that may offer support include:

Savings Limits

Please note that the Oxford Kids Foundation is unable to consider requests for financial assistance from applicants with over $16,000 in savings, after any personal contribution toward the cost of the request has been taken into consideration. Additionally, we would expect applicants with over $8,000 in savings to make a contribution toward the cost of the request.

Who Is Eligible For Our Help?

Anyone who has a financial need for treatments not covered by insurance may apply for assistance. All therapies must take place in the state of Michigan.

Who Is Eligible For Our Help?

 We not only offer HBOT but also other forms of assistance, such as in the case below. Some of the services we help to provide include:

  • COMPASS Program: OKF has partnered with The Oxford Center to present COMPASS. This program helps young adults with autism and other intellectual disabilities gain the skills needed to obtain and hold long-term, meaningful employment/ higher education. 
  • Chelation Therapy: The reduction of hazardous metals in the body
  • Hippotherapy: The use of characteristic behaviors of horses to reach children with Autism and other special needs
  • Chiropractic: Since each vertebrae administers blood flow to a particular organ, it is easy to understand how good spinal health is critical.
  • Aquatic Therapy: Being in water is a most valuable and soothing aid to a child with sensory disorders.
  • Occupational Therapy / Play Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • TheraSuit Physical Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Neurofeedback 
  • Music Therapy
  • Diet/Nutrition Therapy